Discovered Jekyll

A Ruby library allowing to easily create static website (like this one).

Today I discovered Jekyll with this comment on Reddit.

To install and run jekyll simply do:

➜ gem install bundler jekyll

➜ jekyll new my_blog

➜ cd my_blog

➜ bundle exec jekyll serve

# => Now browse to http://localhost:4000 

To add posts you can simply add a new mardown file:

cd _posts
➜ touch >

Example of post (this one actually):

layout: post
tags: [programming]
excerpt_separator: "\n\n"

A Ruby library allowing to easily create static website (like this one).

Today I discovered [Jekyll]( with [this comment]( on Reddit.

To install and run `jekyll` simply do:
➜ gem install bundler jekyll

➜ jekyll new my_blog

➜ cd my_blog

➜ bundle exec jekyll serve

# => Now browse to http://localhost:4000 

To add `posts` you can simply add a new `mardown` file:
cd _posts
➜ echo -e "---\nlayout: post\n---\n" >
- the filename format is `YEAR-MONTH-DAY-title.EXT`

To customize the configuration you can edit `_config.yml`:
title: your website title
description: website description
  name: your author name
github_username: github username
plugins: # your plugins
  - jekyll-paginate
  - jekyll-remote-theme
remote_theme: chesterhow/tale # use tale them with the plugin
paginate: 5 # 5 posts per page (homepage listing posts)
permalink: /:year-:month-:day/:title.html # posts format on the website

To add themes I suggest you to go [here](

And that makes a really easy to setup static website to make your own blog !

To customize the configuration you can edit _config.yml:

title: your website title
description: website description
  name: your author name
github_username: github username
plugins: # your plugins
  - jekyll-paginate
  - jekyll-remote-theme
remote_theme: chesterhow/tale # use tale them with the plugin
paginate: 5 # 5 posts per page (homepage listing posts)
permalink: /:year-:month-:day/:title.html # posts format on the website

To add themes I suggest you to go here.

And that makes a really easy to setup static website to make your own blog !